2012 Yachtsman\"s Guide to the Bahamas

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780981903934

The Yachtsman"s Guide to the Bahamas.. it"s the indisputable number one, annually updated, best selling, all Bahamas Cruising Guide. This guide has been updated every year since 1950 and is considered the difinitive Bahamas cruising Guide both for the Novice as well as the most seasoned island boater planning to sail their boat across the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas, Turks & Caicous and the Dominican Republic. It"s convient 6" x 9" size allows for ideal underway helm station use and the heavy duty lay flat binding insures its durability. Broken down logically in geographical chapters by Island groups with corresponding sketch charts, many that include helpful landfall drawings. Detailed listings and content information for marinas, cruising facilities and diving services..As Southern Boating"s Chuck Gnaegy recommends don"t leave home without it.