Programming with Hyper-Threading Technology: How to Write Multithreaded Software for Intel IA-32 Processors (Engineer to Engineer series)

Price 54.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780971786141

Brand Intel Press

Introducing software developers to Intel"s newest innovation, Intel Hyper-Threading technology, this book demonstrates this level of threading technology that has never been seen before in a general-purpose microprocessor. Shown is how Hyper-Threading technology, processor-level threading can be utilized to offers more efficient use of processor resources for greater parallelism and improved performance on today"s multi-threaded software. Provided is an overview and the technical details of Hyper-Threading technology as well as lessons on how to thread an application, use efficient multitasking, and optimize for general chip and platform architectures. Also covered is how to use the Intel Treading Toolkit and perform processor-specific analysis and optimization. The companion CD-ROM contains threading and optimization tools, code samples, and technical documentation on Hyper-Threading technology.