Sitting Pretty - For Chicks in Chairs

Price 19.60 - 21.81 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780987314406

Sitting Pretty is about moving forward through change, loving the person that you are through it, plucking the diamonds from the rubble, listening to our inner compass, and being the change that we want in this world. A practical how-to guide for women who use wheelchairs, Sitting Pretty covers everything from choosing a chair to fashion advice, going shopping to going to the cinema, and travelling to zorbing. Yet woven within, Valentine chronicles how she moved forward through loss, after loss, after loss since the age of 10. Sitting Pretty reveals Valentine"s personal path from heartache to happiness. A paraplegic following an accident in 1999, Valentine opens up about how she tackled everything in her new chapter, from making the bed to making love. Sitting Pretty is a sincere, engaging and illuminating testimony that is not only a resource for chicks in chairs, their friends and families, but for anyone who has been through change.