Big Bad Wolf (hc)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780439282437

Peek through the die-cut holes to see the Big Bad Wolf"s shiny eyes, pointy ears, and sharp teeth. But is the Big Bad Wolf really as big and bad as we think he is? People say: The Big Bad Wolf has a long snout and sharp teeth! And if you look through the die-cut hole, you can even see them. But turn the page for a big surprise. The wolf is picking flowers! Maybe he"s not so bad after all! In fact, at the end of the book, we see the wolf as a lovable daddy, showering his pups with hugs and kisses. This suspenseful story enables children to face their fears and conquer them again and again. Die-cut pages and richly colored acrylic paintings with humorous details make this tale a visual feast!