Pizza: Delicious Recipes for Toppings and Bases for All Pizza Lovers

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781742570891

Originating in the south of Italy, pizzas are now an internationally popular meal. Make your own pizzas and you will not only save money but you"ll also be able to create individual toppings to suit every member of the family. This new collection of recipes introduces healthy and nutritious toppings, as well as fresh and imaginative flavour combinations to make the best use of seasonal ingredients all year round. These toppings can be added to ready-made bases or you can prepare and freeze your own using one of the basic recipes for traditional yeast doughs or the quicker alternatives using scone-type pastry. Try one of the 80 or so imaginative toppings given here, including meat, cheese, fish, vegetables and seafood, or mix and match your own combinations. They"re great served hot and just as tasty eaten cold the next day, though with these irresistible recipes there are unlikely to be any leftovers.