Patenting Art & Entertainment: New Strategies for Protecting Creative Ideas
Many legal experts argue that copyright law is dying, that artists and entertainers need a new approach to intellectual property protection. Patenting Art & Entertainment provides an answer. This book shows that patent law can protect the methods and processes used to create art and entertainment -- as well as the design and appearance of products. Included are examples in the fields of painting. graphic art, music, architecture, film, furniture design and much more! Co-authored by Gregory Aharonian and Richard Stim, the book shows how to document the creation of your art and entertainment inventions, apply for and obtain a design patent, get a utility patent and do a patent search. Patenting Art & Entertainment provides in-depth (but concise) information of all aspects of this cutting-edge method. It covers how the creation of arts and entertainment became formal sciences, the limitations of copyrights, how the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office handles such applications -- and more.