Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780230576636

Now in its fourth edition, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines remains the indispensable text to guide you through automotive or mechanical engineering, both at university and beyond. Thoroughly updated, clear, comprehensive and well-illustrated, with a wealth of worked examples and problems, its combination of theory and applied practice is sure to help you understand internal combustion engines, from thermodynamics and combustion to fluid mechanics and materials science. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines: - Is ideal for students who are following specialist options in internal combustion engines, and also for students at earlier stages in their courses - especially with regard to laboratory work - Will be useful to practising engineers for an overview of the subject, or when they are working on particular aspects of internal combustion engines that are new to them - Is fully updated including new material on direct injection spark engines, supercharging and renewable fuels - Offers a wealth of worked examples and end-of-chapter questions to test your knowledge - Has a solutions manual availble online for lecturers at