L"Amour en Heritage

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9782234016743, 9782724220537

This is the French edition of "Mistral"s Daughter". New York Times Book Review: Judith Krantz wrote Mistral"s Daughter after the blockbuster success of her first two novels, Scruples and Princess Daisy. The experiences that Krantz had prior to becoming a novelist are clearly seen in Mistral"s Daughter. She spent a year in France after graduating from Wellesley College, there she gained her first exposure to the inner workings of the fashion world by working in a public relations agency in the French fashion industry. Later she would go on to work as a contributing editor for Cosmoploitan and as a fashion accessories editor for Good Housekeeping (Current Biography- 1982). This knowledge of France and of the world of haute couture fashion helped her to have the accuracy of detail that she achieves in Mistral"s Daughter. "She captures the feeling of Paris in the early 1920"s with the efficiency of a writer who has put in time at research", writes Anatole Broyard in a review of the book that appeared in the New York Times on December 8th of 1982. (New York Times Book Review, taken from the New York Times web page). Krantz once said to the Washington Post, "I am a stickler for detail" (Contemporary Authors), as Broyard"s review shows, she clearly exhibits this focus on detail in Mistral"s Daughter.