The Animal Experimentation Debate: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

Price 55.10 - 58.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781610693172


The debate over the use of nonhuman animals in experimental research has gone on for centuries, and it continues as vigorously today as it ever has. In fact, in the last decade, the controversy has intensified, making animal testing a topic at the highest level of debate of any socioscientific issue in the United States. This book presents all sides of the issue so that readers can come to their own conclusions as to the morality and validity of animal experimentation, and provides biographies of individuals and descriptions of organizations that have been involved in the debate over the centuries. Additionally, it documents the historical shift in thinking that made animal experimentation commonplace between the time of the ancient Greeks and the 19th century, to the mindset of some who argue for an end to the practice and alternative ways of conducting medical experimentation to benefit human health.