Sustainable Employer Branding: Guidelines, Worktools and Best Practices
Great employees -- and strategies to attract, keep and recruit the right talent for the organisation -- will be a defining characteristic of the competitive landscape in years to come. To build a sustainable employer brand, attention must be paid to the mechanisms that create an attractive workplace, regardless of the state of the economy. The need for recruitment may vary over time, but the employer brand can never be neglected. Like a consumer brand, the employer brand can only be built on the foundations of a long-term strategy. Moreover, consumer and employer brands overlap both in peoples expectations and in the signals that the organisation sends to the market. This book pinpoints a number of topics that organisations need to consider to be able to stay competitive in the future. Based on multinational research and experience, Anders Parment and Anna Dyhre give you the background, models and tools necessary to develop a strong, consistent and sustainable employer brand. Employer Branding emphasises the need for taking the employment function very seriously -- regardless of whether its a highly ranked organisation or an organisation with a weak consumer brand, poor location, and a high percentage of short-term hires. Every employer has an employer brand no matter of size, location or structure, but many organisations lack a strategy to deal with employer branding. Employer branding has a number of positive influences on an organisation"s brand profile, attractiveness and viability. This book sets out clearly and concisely the sort of organisational policies and employer practices that must be in place in order to create a good workplace for employees, and to ensure that the right people will want to join and stay with the organisation. Employees may not be our employees forever, but they might become ours forever, provided we have a strategy to manage alumni relationships. Alumnis are ambassadors of our brand and our values -- also after they finished working for our organisation.