Making Videos for Money: Planning and Producing Information Videos, Commercials, and Infomercials

Price 17.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780805054415

Making Videos for Money is the first book on video production that looks beyond how to operate television technology and explains how to actually deal with clients and make a living. Whereas videomakers go to school to learn how to produce television programs and feature films, in truth most will spend their careers making information videos, commercials, and infomercials, for which they have had little or no preparation. Every area of video production is expanding rapidly, and with this growth has come an increased demand from businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations for informed professional videomakers. Making Videos for Money provides specific, useful information on how to plan, write, direct, and complete client-sponsered videos successfully. The book can be used as a conprehensive how-to guide by newcomers or as a valuable resource for professionals facing the need to expand their business into profitable new areas.