The Truth About Mars : An Eyewitness Account

Price 22.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780935097382

The Truth About Mars answers the question: Is there human life on other terrestrial planets in our galaxy? It also addresses the nature of consciousness and man"s ability to make use of the electronic design of the mind in the exploration of the universe. This book however is not about the paranormal nature of life; it is the statement of one man"s experience, validated by thousands of photographs returned by the Mariner, Viking, Pathfinder, and Global Surveyor space probes. Yet the basic inquiry requires man"s recognition that he carries within himself the substance which is recorded in so-called space and time. When we can assimilate this, it will serve to remove the amnesia that has blocked our memory of the reality of extraterrestrial life on other than one earth planet, in one solar system, in one small galaxy, in one universe. Humankind will resolve the enigma of life and death and his purpose in the cosmic design that we see in the hundreds of billions of star systems within our galaxy. The Truth About Mars is a forerunner for other books that have been written by Ernest L. Norman about the interdimensional physics of life. They serve as a radio-telescope outlining our past, present, and future.