Conservatives Are from Mars, Liberals Are from San Francisco: 101 Reasons I"m Happy I Left the Left
Price 17.06 - 18.57 USD
For years," Burt Prelutsky says, "the ranks fo the Right were so bereft of amusing people they had to point to William F. Buckley Jr. as their token funnyman. Finally, thank God, P. J. O"Rourke came along. Now he was really funny. I mean, on purpose." So beings the man who invented political incorrectness. In this delightful social commentary and rant on just about everything the Left does that offends him, he brings a biting wit. In 101 shorty, pithy chapters, Prelutsky applies his wit and wisdom to the big issues of the day. To quote him: "So Right-wingers, dig in and enjoy. Liberals, dig in and wise up."