Public Speaking: The Evolving Art, Enhanced (with CourseMate with InfoTrac 1-Semester, Interactive Video Activities, SpeechBuilder Express(TM) 3.0 1-Semester, SpeechStudio 2.0 Printed Access Card)

Price 118.70 - 124.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781133307877

PUBLIC SPEAKING: THE EVOLVING ART, 2ND EDITION/ENHANCED is a fully integrated book and technology program that matches the expectations of today"s students while preserving the well-respected traditions of public speaking instruction. The text comes automatically packaged with a printed access code to a variety of online tools: CourseMate (which houses the interactive activities); Speech Builder Express, Speech Studio 2.0, and access to the eBook. Each chapter"s material, both in the book and online, takes you through a sequence that starts with reading the text, moves to watching unique integrated videos, segues to companion interactive activities that ask you to apply chapter concepts in hypothetical scenarios, and then to advance work on your own speech project. A unique, practical pedagogical system in the text -- "Read it, Watch it, Use it, Review it" -- gives structure to each chapter, and directs you to the easy-to-access online material. "Apply It" Boxes give you an opportunity to use your newly-gained public speaking skills in situations outside of the classroom.