CALL environments: Research, Practice, and Critical Issues
Price 42.70 - 44.95 USD
When the first edition of CALL Environments was published in 1999 (Alexandria, VA: TESOL), it filled a distinct need for a computer-assisted language learning (CALL) text focused specifically on second language acquisition (SLA). Much has happened in the world of technology since then, but the need to maintain this connection between research on both CALL and SLA still exists. This second edition continues to meet that need by highlighting new tools, discussing new research, and proposing new practical applications. And many of the chapters, which discuss topics such as visual literacy, critical thinking, and creativity, address content from the revised National Education Technology Standards for Students. As Egbert and Hanson-Smith point out, although technology presents a whole new language, the language of technology is not the most crucial information that educators need in order to use computers and the Internet effectively in their language classrooms. More important is an understanding of good pedagogy and the relationships among teaching, learning, and technological environments. This volume builds on the structure of the first edition, based on the eight conditions for optimal learning environments, by adding suggestions for projects and questions for reflection at the end of each chapter, as well as an index of terms used throughout the book.