The 20-Minute Networking Meeting: How Little Meetings Can Lead To Your Next Big Job

Lauded by Fortune 500 and international business leaders around the world, The 20-Minute Networking Meeting is a carefully constructed job-search model designed to break into the "Invisible Job Market," where the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that over 70% of all jobs are obtained. Using the best elements of networkers from a wide array of businesses and industries, and combined with 40 years of the authors" professional networking experience from a hiring perspective, The 20-Minute Networking Meeting takes the 5 most important parts of networking meeting and culminates in an efficient, concise and highly productive networking model. Chock full of real-world scenarios, short stories, meeting examples, and dozens of tips and observations from hiring authorities and recruiting experts, The 20-Minute Networking Meeting shares the wisdom of senior executives who have been in transition (looking for work), and the perspectives of those who are most asked to network. Constructed to simplify and clarify networking for job-search, The 20-Minute Networking Meeting also contains fully written networking scenarios that show the entire 20MNM model in action, ending with a complete set of "readiness worksheets" that guide the reader through actual networking preparation. Founded on the premises of gratitude, positivity, and reciprocity, The 20-Minute Networking Meeting has found great success in the hands of executives, career coaches, outplacement firms, college graduates, and sales professionals around the globe.