GIS and Land Records: The Parcel Data Model

Price 34.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781589480773

Brand ESRI Press

Describing applications and uses for parcel information in an ArcGIS geodatabase, this book covers the data model developed as a framework for land record information in an ArcGIS environment. Demonstrated is how the model supports real GIS work, including the update and maintenance of data content by tax assessors, planners, recorders, environmental managers, public works officials, safety officials, and others. Land records personnel learn how parcel information can be designed in a geodatabase so work can begin on system design and implementation. The advantages of putting parcel information into a geodatabase are described, and instruction on moving existing applications into the geodatabase is provided. Datasets are included that show how the parcel data model has been easily customized to satisfy different requirements.