Legal Aspects of Midwifery

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780702041006

This package provides you with the book plus the eBook giving you the printed book, plus access to the complete book content electronically. "Evolve eBooks" allows you to quickly search the entire book, make notes, add highlights, and study more efficiently. Buying other "Evolve eBooks" titles makes your learning experience even better: all of the eBooks will work together on your electronic "bookshelf", so that you can search across your entire library of midwifery eBooks. Any course of action a midwife might take or fail to take and any advice she may give to her client will have legal implications. Midwives at all levels will therefore find this new edition of "Legal Aspects of Midwifery" an essential guide to the legal framework within which they operate. The aim of this book is to provide information that a midwife can use with confidence, knowing that the law is there to protect her and her clients. Written in clear, accessible language, without legal jargon, the third edition of this popular text includes a new chapter on the laws relating to teenage pregnancy. It also covers many of the recommendations from NICE relevant to midwifery practice and considers their legal significance. All information and case law has been thoroughly revised and updated and takes into account sensitive areas that midwives may face in practice including female genital mutilation, domestic violence, infertility treatment and issues surrounding the treatment of human tissue. The book considers the midwife"s legal position looking at issues such as patient confidentiality, treatment of minors and conscientious objection. The user-friendly style and layout of the writing ensures that legal issues can be easily understood without previous knowledge or study of the law. "Legal Aspects of Midwifery, Third Edition" is an essential purchase for every midwifery student, tutor and practising midwife.