War in the Wilderness: The Chindits in Burma 1943-1944

Price 40.50 - 45.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780752460789

Brand Spellmount

It had never been tried before: landing a large force of thousands of specially trained troops by gliders and C-47 transports far behind Japanese lines in Burma. The air landing of British Major-General Orde Wingate"s Chindit jungle-fighters would not have been possible without USAAF Colonel Phil Cochran"s 1st Air Commando. With their distinctive questionmark badge and motto ("Anytime, Anywhere, Any place"), Cochran"s aircraft and gliders flew in Wingate"s Chindits, kept them supplied with rations and ammunition, flew out the wounded and provided close air support with P.51 Mustangs and B.25 bombers. This was a unique Anglo-American partnership, with Cochran"s Force saving many lives and contributing heavily to the Chindits"s success against a formidable foe.