Degenerative Diseases of the Brain: Nutritional Interventions (Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Multiple Sclerosis)
This book presentation of the lecture looks at the nutritional aspects of normal brain function as well as the current models of neurodegenerative disorders. With progressively more understanding of the biochemistry of the brain we are able to prevent crippling disorders such as Alzheimer"s disease, Parkinson"s disease and even Multiple Sclerosis.There are nine "puzzle pieces" that we need for understanding the brain. And for each of the conditions you might research, one of these nine pieces, may well be more important than another, they involve things like glial cell and nerve cell interactions, amino acid metabolism, functional deficiencies, membrane physiology, oxidation state management, epigenetics, tissue co-operation, mineral metabolism and metallo-toxicology. This book looks at these nine things first before looking at any particular condition.The next thing about the central nervous system, the CNS, is that it has three points of vulnerability. The first is the need to make brain chemicals (neurotransmitters), next is networking (and this is a huge thing, very poorly understood at the moment because of the limitation of how we can model networking) and last is lifespan (apoptosis).Based on this, nutritional interventions may be used to halt the progression of, and even reverse the disease process.