Brockport Physical Fitness Training Guide
Price 32.00 USD
Teachers no longer have to adapt standard physical fitness tests to accommodate students with special needs. The all-new Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) is specifically designed to test the fitness of youths from ages 10 through 17 that have various disabilities. The manual and related materials provide teachers with everything they need to know to easily administer the test.Years in preparation, the Brockport Test was developed through Project Target, a research study funded by the U.S. Department of Education and designed to develop a health-related, criterion-referenced physical fitness test. The Brockport Test compares scores to carefully researched and developed health standards, rather than to national averages. This way, the test administrator knows with certainty when a child meets the minimum recommendation for being fit on each test item.The Brockport Physical Fitness Test resources are as a kit or separately. See "Related Products" to the right for ordering information about separate components.The Brockport Physical Fitness Test KitThe Brockport Physical Fitness Test Kit is the most complete package ever developed for fitness testing for youths with physical and mental disabilities. It includes the following:- The comprehensive Test Manual that explains development of the test and testing procedures - A Training Guide to assist you in improving your students" fitness - Fitness Challenge, the companion software that makes test use much easier - A video that demonstrates clearly how to use the test with this population - Curl-up strips - Skin Calipers - PACER audio CD/casette The Brockport Physical Fitness Test ManualThe manual presents all test items that comprise the Brockport Test. This easy-to-read manual includes- a written description of the test items, - how they are to be administered, - what equipment is needed, - ways of scoring the test, - number of trials required, - test modifications, and - recommendations for easy test administration.The manual"s unique personalized approach allows the tester to - identify health-related concerns, - establish the components of physical fitness to be measured, - identify test items, - create unique physical fitness profiles, and - apply standards associated with desired levels of health-related physical fitness.The Manual includes a special chapter that presents health-related, criterion-referenced test selection guides and standards for assessing physical fitness. Standards are presented in tabular form. In all, The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual is an easy-to-follow, thorough guide that makes it easier for teachers to assess the fitness levels of students with special needs. It"s also an excellent textbook for course in adapted physical education. Fitness Challenge SoftwareThe companion software makes BPFT use and record keeping easy. It prints out goals, results, and fitness plans for individual students, and separate reports can be generated for instructors or parents. Instructors can select from any of the 27 tests to create a test geared toward an individual or group. The software includes a technical manual that explains how the BPFT was developed and reviews the test"s standards and their validity.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 166 mhz processor 32mb RAM 2x CD-ROM (CD-ROM version only) Printer Windows 95 or Windows 98 The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Training GuideThe Training Guide is designed to develop the physical fitness of youngsters with disabilities in association with results attained on the BPFT. The guide presents information regarding- the importance of components of physical fitness for health, - how components of physical fitness are measured and evaluated in the BPFT, - the underlying changes in the body affected by the development of physical fitness, - factors influencing the development of physical fitness, and - guidelines for developing and implementing physical fitness. Brockport Physical Fitness Test Administration VideoThis video shows the proper techniques for conducting the 27 tests in the all-new BPFT, which is specifically designed to test the health-related fitness of youths from ages 10 through 17 who have various disabilities.