Earth Angels
Price 6.30 - 7.00 USD
In the same way that "The Indigo Children" was a phenomenon that was much talked-about, before the book came out and explained it, "Earth Angels" is a topic of much discussion among spiritually minded people world-wide. Four years ago, Doreen Virtue wrote an article on the topic, and then a chapter in her book, "Healing with the Angels," and then more information in "Healing with the Fairies." Since that time, Doreen has been flooded with letters from people who resonate with the idea, requesting more information. "Earth Angels" will be the first book devoted to the topic. Doreen will describe the five different types of lightworkers: Incarnated Angels (those who had previous lives as angels, but who are now here as humans); Incarnated Elementals (those whose previous lives were in the elemental kingdom, as fairies, elves, etc.); Starpeople (those who have lived the majority of their past lives on other planets); Walk-In"s (those who came from a high spiritual realm and walked-in to another person"s life, as that soul gladly exited their body); and Reincarnated Sorcerers, Sorceresses, and Wizards (those whose most recent past life was during Arthurian or Atlantian times, when they practiced high magic). The book will include dozens of case studies; a fascinating analysis of an extensive survey that Doreen has conducted among people who identify with the five types of Earth Angels; and guidance to help readers to feel happier about their lives, their own idiosyncrasies, and their missions.