Introduction to Programming with C
Price 177.94 - 340.48 USD
ENGAGING VISUALS EFFECTIVELY USE CHARTS AND EXAMPLES TO CLARIFY CONCEPTS. Known for its functional visual style, this edition makes extensive use of flowcharts, IPO charts, and code examples throughout each chapter to clarify and illustrate key concepts at a glance. * WEALTH OF HANDS-ON PRACTICE AND MEMORABLE EXAMPLES KEEP STUDENTS ENGAGED AND ACTIVELY LEARNING. This edition continues to provide a wide variety of practical exercises, labs, mini-quizzes, and contemporary examples to keep readers involved and enthusiastic about programming concepts. * SPECIFIC, CLEARLY LABELED END-OF-CHAPTER EXERCISES PROVIDE A VARIETY OF WORKING EXPERIENCES FOR READERS TO PRACTICE SKILLS LEARNED. All end-of-chapter exercises are leveled and clearly identified to guide reader practice. "Try This," "Modify This," and "Swat the Bugs" exercises keep practice enjoyable and interesting. Answers to "Try This" exercises at the end of each chapter give students immediate feedback to test their understanding, while leveled exercises demonstrate student progress. * VISUAL STUDIO® 2012, AVAILABLE AS AN OPTIONAL BUNDLE FOR USE WITH THE BOOK, PROVIDES PROFESSIONAL HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE. Now your students can work with the popular, powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) -- Microsoft® C++ 2012® -- as they learn the skills of programming with C++. This further demonstrates the usefulness of the skills they are learning and better prepares readers for business success as readers use this tool to ensure quality code throughout the entire application lifecycle, from design to deployment.