The Put-Downs and Insults Bible: Bitchy Barbs & Wicked Wit for Every Occasion

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781905449231

We"ve all done it, and we"ve all been on the receiving end. Somewhere down the evolutionary line, it has been programmed it into us that taunts and insults will make us a better person. It"s not true, of course, but somehow even the most pious of us cannot occasionally help it. So, with such an inbuilt drive to appear top dog, we may as well get brush up and do it properly. Whether you"re looking for ammunition to use, ideas to stock up on, or stories from other underdogs, bitches, and cruel tongues to heal a hurt ego, this is the book. Sharpen your claws and your wit simultaneously, and dive in—there"s something for everyone! For example: Mark Twain—"Last week I stated that this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since met her sister and now wish to withdraw that statement." Simon Cowell—"That performance was as relevant as a cat turning up for Crufts." This work also offers an A-to-Z of insults to save up and use at will: S for Sex: "She"s a lot like train tracks—been laid across the country."