It Happened in Chelm: A Story of the Legendary Town of Fools
Price 9.45 - 9.95 USD
The tale of a watchman who will not shout and his horse that never moves. This is an engaging tale for readers of all ages about the mythical town in Poland whose inhabitants are renowned for being simpletons. Discover what the Chelmites do after evil bandits swoop down form the surrounding hills to rob their business. As usual, when there is a problem in Chelm, they first seek advice from their seven wise men. Even fools have their wise men, as everyone knows, according to the author. Each of the proposed solutions brings with it a hilarious new problem. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Florence B. Freedman was born in Brooklyn and spent most of her life there and in New York City. Beginning her career as a high school teacher of English and Hebrew, she joined the faculty of the Hunter College in 1952 and retired as professor emeritus in 1972. Her writing includes poems, some reprinted in anthologies, and books related to Walt Whitman, the subject of her doctoral dissertation.