Just Add Puppets: 20 Instant Puppet Skits for Children\"s Ministry

Price 31.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780764423055

Twenty humorous puppet skits that are so easy to do, you can focus on the fun--not the work! That"s right! There"s almost no preparation and all the spoken dialogue, sound effects and music are pre-recorded and included on the 2 CDs! These skits are "kid-friendly" so you can involve children in sharing important Bible truths as they learn. Plus, you can put on a great performance with minimal training and practice! Perfect for all children"s ministry programming, but great also for family events! Can be used in coordination with FaithWeaver® Bible Resources, but great for any curriculum. Each of these 20 skits includes: Scripture reading suggestions, List of easy-to-find or make props, Setup directions, Ways to involve the audience, Teacher Tips, and CD sound track.Also: Puppet stage construction tips, CDs include music or sound effects for before and after each skit, plus 30-second music interlude for scene changes, Spotlight ideas, Drawings of scenes, And reproducible prop plans.