Sergey\"s HTML5 & CSS3 Quick Reference: HTML5, CSS3 and APIs (3rd Edition)

HTML and CSS are the most essential and fundamental web languages, which provide the foundation for the vast majority of web sites and web applications. HTML5 is on track to become the future of the web, offering simple plug-in free Rich Internet Application capabilities, easier development, and enhanced user experience. This book is an essential technical dictionary for professional web designers and developers, conveniently summarizing over 3000 pages of (X)HTML5 and CSS3 specifications and covering the most common and fundamental concepts and specs, including tags, attributes, values, objects, properties, methods, events, and APIs. Topics include: Introduction to HTML5 HTML5 and XTML5 syntax rules XTML5 Document semantic structure Complete reference to HTML5 Elements and Attributes including Web Forms 2.0 Global attributes and events A complete summary of CSS3 properties HTML5 APIs, including Canvas, SVG, Video, Audio, Web Workers, Web Sockets, Microdata, Geolocation, Web Storage and more. The author’s goal was to create a one-stop resource reference source which is comprehensive but still concise, simple, easy-to-read, and structured. This is the world’s first HTML5 reference-style book. This is also the first book with XHTML5 coverage.