Overcoming Personal Loss
Price 10.95 USD
No one lives without loss, it is a part of life. But when author Duane Hiatt"s wife Diane died of cancer shortly after giving birth to their fifteenth child, Duane faced some particularly difficult challenges. Coping with such a loss requires more than the passage of time. It is a long and difficult journey that some are unwilling to make. But those who do are better people for having made the trek. The road up from loss, like other roads, is easier traveled with a map and markers along the way. And the journey is lighter with friends to share the burden, offer encouragement, and advise us about how to proceed. In Overcoming Personal Loss, one who has made the journey offers comfort and solid help on overcoming serious loss, whether through death, divorce, loss of a job, or any other debilitating experience. While loss is a part of our mortal journey, it need not paralyze us. If understood and used correctly, it can be a refining and enriching experience that will help us fill the measure of our creation.