We Made a Difference: My Personal Journey With Women Strike for Peace
Price 21.50 - 22.50 USD
Women Strike for Peace was formed in 1961 when wives and mothers, angered by legislators" seeming indifference to the damaging effects of nuclear development and testing on the health and safety of children, descended upon their representatives" offices, government buildings, and the White House to demonstrate their unwillingness to let government policymakers go unchallenged. Fighting to have a voice in the male-dominated arena of political and military policy, these women soon found themselves testifying before congressional committees, organizing peace conferences, and even becoming targets of surveillance by the FBI and the CIA. When they shifted the focus of their protest to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, their efforts to promote peace ascended to the international level. Through her personal reminiscences of her involvement with WSP, the group"s national coordinator reveals the drama and humor, setbacks and triumphs of a grassroots organization that was determined to make a difference--and proves that WSP"s message is still very relevant, and one that the world cannot afford to ignore.