Conflict and Resolution

Price 86.50 - 91.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780735567320

Conflict and Resolution, Second Edition, provides students with a working knowledge of the major forms of dispute resolution. Through the use of hands-on exercises and role-playing scenarios, theory is put into practice allowing students to translate lessons learned into true to life situations. This newly revised text offers the following: provides an overview of negotiation, mediation, and arbitration in a short, accessible book well-designed pedagogy for the paralegal students, including chapter summaries and exercises designed to engage students in application of what they have learned includes role-plays to allow students to experience how the theories of dispute resolution are used in practice ethical issues thoroughly covered The Second Edition offers: an even clearer presentation of the three major approaches to mediation : facilitative, evaluative, and transformative improved Instructor’s Manual, with more student-centered pedagogy on-line negotiation and mediation will be included new topics including restorative justice and victim-offender mediation expanded materials on arbitration chapter on Conflict has been expanded to include different conflict styles The book is part of a comprehensive teaching package that includes PowerPoint slides and an extensive Instructor’s Manual featuring: sample syllabi additional role plays for instructors to use in class a Test Bank of exam questions Designed with the student in mind and revised to further support that commitment, the Second Edition of Barbara A. Nagle’s Conflict and Resolution leaves students with a firm understanding of negotiation, mediation and arbitration. The supporting materials aid instructors in the practical application of lessons learned while accompanying PowerPoint slides and Test Bank will prove to be invaluable resources. An author website to support classroom instruction using this title is available at