Constitutional Law - Individual Rights: Examples & Explanations, Fifth Edition

Price 45.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780735588257

Constitutional Law: Individual Rights, part of a two-volume set, is a problem-oriented guide to the principle doctrines of constitutional law as covered in the typical course. This straightforward text walks the student through the constitutional provisions that protect individual rights: Takings and Contracts clauses, Due Process, Freedoms of Speech and Religion, and Equal Protection. Designed to encourage students to think about the larger issues of constitutional law with depth and perception, this clear and informal text: utilizes the unique, time-tested E&E that combines textual material with well-written and comprehensive examples, explanations, and questions to test students" comprehension of the materials and provide practice in applying legal principles to fact patterns. The questions (in which there are often a variety of issues presented in one fact situation) are similar to those on a law school or bar examination. parallels the major casebooks in its organization and will complement any constitutional law casebook explains legal concepts and principles in digestible sections, followed by examples and analyses that illustrate how to apply these concepts and principles in hypothetical situations. With thoroughly updated text and examples and explanations, the Fifth Edition also incorporates important Supreme Court cases, including: District of Columbia v. Heller, on the right to bear arms Gonzales v. Carhart, on regulation of abortion Kennedy v. Louisiana, on the death penalty as cruel and unusual punishment Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, on benign race discrimination Exxon Shipping v. Baker, on due process limits on punitive damages Purcell v. Gonzalez, Riley v. Kennedy, Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, and Bartlett v. Strickland on voting rights Davis v. FEC, on campaign expenditure limitations Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party, on ballot restrictions and right of association N.Y. State Board of Elections v. Lopez Torres, on ballot access restrictions and right of association FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, on political speech Enquist v. Oregon Dep"t of Agriculture, on equal protection class of one Ashcrovt v. Iqbal, a prima facie case for alleging purposeful discrimination Morse v. Frederick, on students" school speech rights Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Ass"n v. Brentwood Academy, on speech rights of private schools in recruiting student athletes Davenport v. Washington Education Ass"n; Ysura v. Pocatello Education Ass"n ; and Locke v. Karass, on speech rights of government employees Pleasant Grove City v. Summum, on government speech on government property U.S. v. Williams, on First Amendment overbreadth and vagueness Part of a two-volume set that includes a corresponding treatment of National Powers and Federalism, these two study guides compose a strong and sophisticated foundation in the doctrines and methods of constitutional law and constitutional argument.