Best Hikes with Children Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine
Price 16.95 USD
Take the kids to visit Lonesome Lake in New Hampshire"s White Mountain National Forest for a brook-side hike to swimming, boating, and an overnight hut stay at the lake. Or explore ancient sea caves and massive cliffs on the Gorham Mountain Trail in Maine"s Acadia National Park. Vermont"s popular Green Mountain National Forest is here, too. Spectacular views, berry picking sites, swimming holes, and tide pools are just a few of the natural treats in store for hiking families. Practical information on distance, difficulty, and elevation helps parents choose a suitable hike. Tips on hiking with kids, coupled with an emphasis on the environment and safety, ensures a fun time for all. And when the kids are tired, or enthusiasm is running thin, optional "turnaround points" can spell success for a day"s outing. From toddlers to pre-teens, from parents to seniors, Best Hikes with Children: In Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine is sure to become every New Englander"s favorite outdoor guide.