Brahmas Sutras: Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Commentary and Notes (2 Volume Set)
Price 109.00 USD
The Purva Mimamsa sutras of Jaimini can be said to give a synthetic view of the science of rituals as propounded in the Karmakanda portion of the Veda. The Brahma sutra or the Uttara Muimamsa sutra of Badrayana does the same in connection with the teaching of the Jnana Kanda portion, or the Upanisads. The Brahma sutra of Badarayana has four chapters and each of these adhyayas is divided into four padas. Each pada is divided into adhikaranas comprised of sutras, varying in number. The number of sutras in each adhikarana depends on the nature of the topic dealt with in that adhikarna. Each adhikarna according to the commentators, takes up for consideration a visaya vakya. Contents : Introduction Adhyaya 1 Adhyaya II