TC-Helicon VoiceTone Double, Double Tracker-in-a-Box, Including up to 4 Voices of Humanized Doubling and Octaves with Detune Effects
Price 245.00 USD
Creates up to four virtual overdubs of a performer"s voice in real time and stores 10 preset style banks with 3 patches in each * Additional effects include emulations of classic microshift, chorus and detune using the µMod (micromod) algorithm from VoicePro * Edit controls allow adjustment of the Pitch and Time modulations as well as balance adjustment between "Overdub" style doubling and "µMod" style effects * Access your two customized patches during performance with A/B parts * XLR Mic level input and output connectors in stereo and mono * Creates up to four virtual overdubs of a performer"s voice in real time and * Additional effects include emulations of classic microshift, * Edit controls allow adjustment of the Pitch and Time modulations as well as * XLR Mic level input and output connectors in stereo and mono, stores 10 preset style banks with 3 patches in each * Chorus and detune using the µMod (micromod) algorithm from VoicePro * Balance adjustment between "Overdub" style doubling and "µMod" style effects