Acts of the Apostles

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781570580710

DISCOVER THE BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catholics should pay particular attention to Acts because of its importance in understanding the foundation and mission of the Church in the world. And because Acts provides overwhelming evidence that the early Christian community exhibited characteristics that would become hallmarks of the Roman Catholic Church from the central role of St. Peter, as leader of the Apostles, to the early importance placed on the office of bishop. For example, St. Peter declared a need to replace Judas Iscariot and make sure his office was filled. "This illustrates how naturally apostolic succession took place," Dr. Hahn says. The same incident also illustrates St. Peter"s authority as the head of the Apostles. Dr. Hahn also analyzes the three-part structure of Christ"s commission: days in Jerusalem, preaching in Judea and Samaria, and the mission "to the end of the earth." He then illustrates how Pentecost, both at Sinai and in Acts, unleashed a time of massive rebellion against God"s Word. In a sense, this book is a "how-to" manual for Catholic evangelization and committed Catholics to learn more about what God is calling them to do in their own lives.