The Practical SQL Handbook: Using Structured Query Language (3rd Edition)

Price 42.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 76092006312, 9780201447873

The Practical SQL Handbook is the best-selling guide to learning SQL, the standard language for accessing information in relational databases. This book not only teaches SQL as it has been established by ANSI standards committees but also as the language is used to solve real business problems. You"ll learn step-by-step the basic vocabulary and functions of the language and the processes and issues involved in developing robust applications. This book provides a thorough grounding in the basics of database design, security, and integrity. You will learn SQL pragmatically, by creating a sample database and then working through dozens of examples with it. Fully updated to cover the ANSI SQL "92 standard, the third edition of The Practical SQL Handbook includes a cookbook of specific solutions, ready-to-use code, and general strategies for common business database challenges. Find out how to: *create and use views *use and apply subqueries *join tables for comprehensive data analysis *handle null values *create reports using groups and aggregate functions Bonus CD-ROM -- Get Hands-On Practice Using SQL!The CD-ROM includes the Windows 3.x , Windows 95, and Windows NT versions of the SybaseA (R) 3.0 SQL AnywhereaA A Runtime, a full-featured SQL database. 0201447878B04062001