OS/2 Warp Survival Kit

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780201409154

If you just got OS/2(R) Warp and you"re worried about learning how to use it--relax! The OS/2 Warp Survival Kit has everything you"ll need to feel right at home with your new operating system. In seven easy chapters, OS/2 expert Brian Proffit takes you step-by-step through the basics of using OS/2 Warp. Starting with installation, you will learn about: * working with programs, folders, files, and devices * what objects are, and how to use them to get more from OS/2 Warp * customizing your desktop, the Workplace Shell, and the Launch Pad * how to use work areas, templates, and associations to organize your files and launch programs automatically * using shadows so your files or programs can appear in more than one place. 0201409151B04062001