Anais Nin (Modern Literature Monographs)
This biography of Anais Nin is in a series "Modern Literature Monographs" published by Frederick Ungar Co., New York, 1978. Others include Saul Bellow, Colette, Robert Frost, Chester Himes and Thomas Mann to mention 5 only of the 35 so far. Evelyn J. Hintz, noted Nin scholar, wrote of Bettina Knapp"s assessment, biography and critique that it is "a fascinating combination of intuition and erudition." Bettina Knapp has been a prolofic writer on literature and theatre, Jungian oriented, she is the author of Dream and Image, Off-Stage Voices, studies of Artaud, Jean Genet, Racine, and others. Professor of Romance Languages and Comparative Literature, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, she wrote a book on Emile Zola for the same series.