Quality in the Constructed Project: A Guide for Owners, Designers, and Constructors (Manual of Practice No. 73) (Asce Manual and Reports on Engineering Practice)
Price 61.75 - 65.00 USD
Quality in the Constructed Project: A Guide for Owners, Designers, and Constructors, third edition, provides information and recommendations on principles and procedures that are effective in enhancing the quality of constructed projects. The guide a complete update of the previous edition discusses the roles, responsibilities, requirements, and limits of authority of participants in the design and construction process, highlighting concepts and practices that are valuable to each in achieving project goals and objectives. This Manual of Practice presents several key themes, including the value of clearly defining and assigning responsibilities, the importance of teamwork, the need for clear contractual provisions, strategies for good communication, the owner"s selection process for other team members, the potential benefits associated with various project delivery systems, and procedures for managing design and construction. Although this guide is written primarily with traditional design-bid-build (DBB) projects in mind, it also highlights areas in which alternative forms of project delivery, such as design-build, may shift project responsibilities and risk to different participants.