The Cache Memory

Price 51.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780123229854

Brand Academic Pr

Cache memory is the part of RAM which stores the most frequently accessed information and subsequently enhances the speed of the system. This book introduces systems designers to the concepts behind cache design, leading readers through some of the most intricate protocols used in complex multiprocessor caches. The author aims to demystify cache memory design by translating cache concepts and jargon into practical methodologies and real-life examples. He defines and discusses over 240 cache-specific buzzwords, comparing in detail the relative merits of different design methodologies. This handbook includes a glossary, complete with definitions, synonyms and references to the appropriate text discussions. A chapter is devoted to detailed example designs of caches. Numerous examples are included in the form of block diagrams, timing waveforms, state diagrams, state tables and even code and logic traces. The book should be useful for microprocessor system designers who are unfamiliar with the workings of cache, as well as by those who know basic cache concepts but are unaware of the more exotic techniques. It also provides adequate detail to serve as a reference book for ongoing work in cache memory design.