Late Mowing: Poems and Essays

Price 9.45 - 9.75 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780945084877

The Jesse Stuart Foundation recently published Late Mowing, a collection of poems and essays by Eastern Kentucky author, Stephen M. Holt. Holt"s book has already earned high marks from literary critics. Michael McFee, a well-known University of North Carolina author and critic, writes that Steve Holt"s Late Mowing is "a fine debut and a welcome addition to Appalachian poetry, in particular the remarkable literature of Kentucky. His style is delicately intense and sharp of image…but his poems are always pursuing something deeper than just vivid diction." Linda Parsons Marion, a magazine editor and critic, points out that Holt"s view of the natural world is another important major theme that runs throughout his writings. Kathryn Stripling Byer, a well-known Appalachian author from Cullowhee, North Carolina penned the Introduction to Late Mowing and observes that Steve Holt has continued a literary tradition of "unlocking the Appalachian landscape, inviting his reader...into a reality brimming with history, song, and ten thousand things of his keenly observed world."