The Terrific Tails of Razzie and Tazzie

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781598795769

There are many books out there that tell about dogs, but the unique difference about this book is that the dog, Rascal, is the narrator in the book. Rascal is a canine that was left in a crate, sent to a foster home and then adopted by a caring couple. He has several new adventures to experience most of which are pleasant. Rascal shares these times in a delightful and creative manner to his owner, Konnie S. Miles. Since "Rascal" is so cute with his white curly fur and extremely friendly personality, everyone he encounters thinks that he is a girl. He lets us know, in the book, that he is "Muscle Dog" Mrs. Miles has told us that this book is just one in a series of books to come, because Rascal has numerous encounters that will delight the canine lovers of the world.