Food As Fuel

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780979935220

Food As Fuel Will Help You:· Disconnect Emotional Attachments To Food· Eat Only When You Are Truly Hungry· Stop Eating When You Are Full· Make Healthier Food Choices· Boost Your Self-Esteem· Lose Weight Naturally and Easily The Food As Fuel self-hypnosis audio utilizes time-tested hypnotic techniques and modern technology to enable anyone to easily be hypnotized. This program contains an audio CD with a binaural beat woven into the music. This binaural beat will naturally alter your brainwaves and effortlessly guide you into a deep state of relaxing hypnosis. With my guidance, the subliminal messages, and the binaural beat, everyone can and will be easily hypnotized. If you ever find yourself eating because of stress, loneliness, frustration, boredom, for reward, happiness, or any other feeling this CD is for you. The Food As Fuel self-hypnosis audio is designed to remove all emotional attachments to food and train your mind to eat only when you are truly hungry. After listening to this CD, you will have a new perception of food that will enable you to naturally and easily lose weight. You deserve to have the health and body of your dreams! Achieve that success today by using the Food As Fuel self-hypnosis audio.