Infectious and Tropical Diseases: A Handbook for Primary Care, 1e

Price 61.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780323027113

Brand Mosby

This practical reference provides a single, concise source of current information on the diseases and conditions common among immigrants, refugees, travelers, and persons in contact with these populations in the developed world. An easy-to-use format makes this reference ideal for primary care and other providers in a variety of clinical settings. It also features content on agents that may be used as biological warfare.Diseases and conditions are arranged in alphabetical order for quick reference. Concise discussions of 93 infectious diseases and conditions of immigrants, refugees, travelers, and those in contact with these populationsThe ability to search by either signs and symptoms, geographic area, or diseases and disorders. A discussion on emerging infectious diseases and why they are an important health issue. An overview of the physical diagnosis of these diseases. Approaches to diagnosing newly arrived immigrants and refugees. Strategies for pre-travel counseling and immunizations. Information on primary geographic distribution, agent and vector, incubation, clinical findings and treatment, signs and symptoms, complications, common laboratory findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and reporting. Bioterrorism boxes appear throughout the text to alert practitioners to biological warfare agent information.