Hood\"s Texas Brigade in the Civil War

Price 42.75 - 45.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780786468607


Of the many infantry brigades in Robert E. Lee"s Army of Northern Virginia, John Bell Hood"s Texas Brigade earned the reputation as perhaps the premier unit. From 1862 until Lee"s surrender at Appomattox, the brigade fought in most of the major campaigns in the Eastern Theater and several more in the Western, including the Seven Days, Second Manassas (Second Bull Run), Sharpsburg (Antietam), Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Knoxville, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, the siege of Richmond and Petersburg, and Appomattox. Distinguished for its fierce tenacity and fighting ability, the brigade suffered some of the war"s highest casualties. This volume chronicles Hood"s Texas Brigade from its formation through postwar commemorations, providing a soldier"s-eye view of the daring and bravery of this remarkable unit.