Beyond Illusions: The Magic of Positive Perception

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781933715667

Enhance the quality of your life immediately through the amazing power of positive perception. Gain a bold new vocabulary about tough situations and keep your leadership power when everyone around you is losing theirs. Are you ready for mind altering, paradigm shifting language that reframes personal and business disasters so you and everyone else profits from them? This deeply profound book will entertain through delightful stories. Beyond Illusions will shift your paradigm into fifth gear. Learn the magic words that transform bad situations into good ones. Enhance your communication and connection with others. Change difficult people into loyal supporters. Develop a powerful new mental vocabulary. Empower those around you to take initiative. Fundamentally shift the way you deal with challenges. Benefit from loss, change and other unpleasant surprises. Exciting, entertaining, insightful; a fast read that will transform you, your family, and your business team forever!