Critical Events in Teaching & Learning

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780750702324

Based on original research, Peter Woods describes and analyzes illuminating educational events which occur in schools. Such events are explained as periods of particularly effective teaching. They represent ultimates in teacher and pupil educational experiences which are, in this volume, reconstructed through teacher and pupil "voices". Detailed enquiries are made in an attempt to understand how these "critical events" were conceived and implemented, and what their outcomes were in terms of educational gain. The model of "critical event" arising from the study is presented as a practical framework for understanding other similar occurrences within schools. The events shown are: the making of an award winning book, the making of an award winning community video, the planning and design of an heritage centre on an actual site, and the production of an award-winning musical drama. The first of these occurred in primary schools, the last in a comprehensive school. A final chapter considers the position of critical events in the National Curriculum.