True Existence: A Chasidic Discourse
Price 13.46 - 14.95 USD
"There is none besides Him" - a cardinal principle of Chasidic theology, speaks to the Divine omnipresence that renders all else negligible. Out of the six days of creation, came a world of seeming self-hood. Trees and rocks appear as compilations of matter, humankind as living, breathing bodily objects. Feeling disconnected, the soul within sets upon a journey to reconnect with its Creator. Born out of existence, and furthered by an everyday awareness of apparent physicality, a strong, determined mind leads one to contemplate the Omnipresent and the true nature of His creations. Over the centuries, Monotheism has served as a guiding light, directing humankind to our Father in heaven. Through this celestial focus, we have come to a realization of a Supreme Being and the wondrous world He created. By way of the revolutionary insights put forth in Chasidic thought, Rabbi Shmuel Schneersohn, the fourth leader of Lubavitch Chasidim, directs our glance from one of heavenly affairs to worldly, physical creation. Originally delivered in 1869, True Existence became a work central to a truly heartfelt neo-monotheistic outlook on the world. Accessible at first only to the scholarly elite who could master Hebrew texts, this translation offers the English speaker an opportunity to further unravel the outer layers of reality. A bi-lingual Hebrew/English publication, the Hebrew text fully vowelized. The lucid translation is fully annotated with source references and commentary. Also planned as a companion to True Existence is a Video-CD featuring Rabbi Manis Friedman, an expositor of Chasidic thought, as he discusses several themes of the discourse and offers insights into the topics discussed in the book in a clear, understandable style.