My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys: A History Shared of Some Dakota Cowboys With Professional Rodeo Photographs

Price 15.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780970875204

My Heroes Have All Been Cowboys is a book of anecdotal narrative and cowboy poetry. The stories and poems weave a theme of love for the land, its people, and especially the rodeo cowboys and ranch people the author has known. The connecting thread is the life of professional rodeo cowboy Dean Armstrong, the author"s husband and hero. Photographs by nationally known rodeo photographer DeVere Helfrich and western art by North Dakota artist Ted Cornell add interest and authenticity. World Champion Rodeo cowboys Brad Gjermundson, Wayne Herman and Alvin Nelson, as well as other well-known top professional like Bob Aber, Duane Howard, Jim and Tom Tescher, share memories and humorous tales about rodeo and ranch life.