Finite Element Analysis Concepts: Via SolidWorks

Price 62.66 - 68.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789814313018

Young engineers are often required to utilize commercial finite element software without having had a course on finite element theory. That can lead to computer-aided design errors. This book outlines the basic theory, with a minimum of mathematics, and how its phases are structured within a typical software. The importance of estimating a solution, or verifying the results, by other means is emphasized and illustrated. The book also demonstrates the common processes for utilizing the typical graphical icon interfaces in commercial codes. In particular, the book uses and covers the widely utilized SolidWorks solid modeling and simulation system to demonstrate applications in heat transfer, stress analysis, vibrations, buckling, and other fields. The book, with its detailed applications, will appeal to upper-level undergraduates as well as engineers new to industry.